Terms and Conditions

Last Updated: 12.03.2024

This Regulation constitutes the Regulation referred to in Article 8 of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of electronic services (Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 144, item 1204, as amended), and also regulates the conditions for concluding Sales Agreements on the Website, in accordance with the provisions of other laws, appropriately regulating this obligation.

The Service is operated by Karolina Kuznetsova, conducting business under the name:
Fundacja Firma Dla Każdego 
ul. Lwowska 5/15  00-660 Warszawa
NIP: 5252625624

The exclusive right to operate the Service belongs to the entity specified above, who is the Owner, Seller, and Administrator of the Service. In case of any questions, please contact us using the following contact details: tel.: +48 690 861 075, email: karolines.sparkle.hepl@gmail.com

The Service operates in accordance with applicable laws and with respect for good business practices, particularly considering e-commerce standards regarding the quality of goods and the handling of transactions.


Regulations – these Regulations informing about the obligations and rights of the Parties to the Agreement.

Party – a party to the Agreement is the Customer or Seller – in the context of the term.

Parties – the Customer and the Seller together.

Distance contract – an agreement concluded with the Customer within an organized system for concluding distance contracts, without the simultaneous physical presence of the Parties, exclusively using one or more means of distance communication until the conclusion of the agreement inclusive.

Website – an online store available at the address: https://linesparkle.com/

Seller – an online store available at the address: https://linesparkle.com/

Customer – a natural person, legal person, or organizational unit without legal personality, to whom the law grants legal capacity, acquiring products or services through the Website.

Consumer – a natural person acquiring products or services through the Website for purposes not directly related to their business or professional activity.

User – any entity using the Website.

Account – a User panel available immediately after payment is credited. The panel available after logging in with a password sent to the email address.

Payment method – a method of payment for the ordered product or service chosen by the Customer during the ordering process offered by the Website or as a result of individual arrangements conducted with the Website in a form other than presented on the website payment methods.

Par. 1 General Provisions:

The scope of the Service’s activity includes the sale of online courses and e-books. Matters not regulated by this Regulation shall be governed by the relevant provisions of law applicable in the territory of the Republic of Poland, including the Civil Code, the Consumer Rights Act of May 30, 2014 (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827), and the Personal Data Protection Act of August 29, 1997 (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 101, item 926, as amended). Content on the Service’s website describing the training and services offered by the Service Provider does not constitute a commercial offer within the meaning of the provisions of the Civil Code. The price list on the main page of the Service also does not constitute a commercial offer within the meaning of the provisions of the Civil Code.

Par. 2 Ordering Procedure and Conclusion of Contract:

The Client can place orders on the website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through the website https://linesparkle.com/. The Service conducts sales both within the territory of the Republic of Poland and beyond its borders. Information about products and services presented on the Service’s website constitutes commercial information within the meaning of the provisions of the Civil Code. Placing an order by the Client constitutes an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code, submitted by the Client to the Seller. To place an order, the Client should use the online store available at https://linesparkle.com/. Once a valid order is placed, it is considered submitted. Orders placed in this manner are confirmed via email. The moment of contract conclusion is deemed to be the dispatch of feedback confirming the acceptance of the order to the Client. Upon receipt of payment, the Client will immediately receive a direct link via email to access the purchased e-books and online courses. The performance date of the contract concluded through the Service is the day the access data to the ordered e-books and online courses are sent to the Client via email.

Par. 3 Payments:

All prices presented on the Service’s website are gross prices, expressed in Polish zlotys and US dollars, inclusive of VAT as determined by separate regulations. The Service offers the following types of payment:

a) Online payment via the Dotpay service
b) Bank transfer
c) PayPal
d) Blik
The Client places orders based on the prices applicable at the time of placing the order. The Service reserves the right to change prices, excluding orders already being processed.

Par. 4 Complaint Procedure:

All complaints regarding services provided through the Service and inquiries regarding the use of the Service should be submitted via email to karolines.sparkle.hepl@gmail.com.
A valid complaint should include the client’s details and a description of the complained event or service. The Service will respond to complaints within 14 days.

Refund Policy:

  • No Refunds: Please note that we operate a no-refund policy.
  • Exceptions: Refunds may only be granted in exceptional cases. If you believe your situation qualifies for an exception, please contact us at the above email address and explain the reason for your request.

By contacting us and explaining your situation, we will review your case and, at our discretion, decide whether a refund or another form of compensation is warranted.

Par. 5 Withdrawal from the Contract, Termination of Use:

Due to the nature of the services provided, which involve non-physical goods, it is not possible to withdraw from the contract. In exceptional cases, the client may write an email to karolines.sparkle.hepl@gmail.com, explaining the reason for requesting a refund. Each request will be considered individually.

The statement can be sent electronically to the email address: karolines.sparkle.hepl@gmail.com. The User may resign from using the Service at any time. The Seller reserves the right to suspend the operation of the Service at any time and for any reason, as well as the right to modify or terminate the provision of services through it.

Par. 6 Technical Requirements and Information about Cookies:

Recommended technical requirements for cooperation with the IT system include: a device with internet access, access to email, and an internet browser. The Service uses cookie technology. Cookies (also known as “cookies”) are computer data, specifically text files, which are stored on the User’s end device and are intended for the use of the Service’s website. The cookies indicated allow the User’s device to be recognized and the website displayed accordingly to their individual preferences. The Service uses various types of cookies, including: Permanent cookies, which are cookies whose storage period on the end device lasts for the time specified in the parameters of the file or until the User independently deletes the cookies. Temporary cookies, which are cookies that are deleted when the session ends, i.e., when the User logs out of the website, leaves the website, or closes the internet browser displaying the website. Own cookies, which are cookies placed on the website by the owner. External cookies, which are cookies placed on the website by external entities, e.g., for anonymous statistics by Google Analytics. To change the Cookie Policy settings, the User should adjust the browser settings. Detailed information on changing settings related to cookies and their independent deletion in the most popular internet browsers is available in the help section of the internet browser.

Par. 7 Final Provisions:

The Seller reserves the right to make changes to the content on the Service’s website and to any changes in the price list for services offered through the Service, depending on changes in the average market rates.

The Seller shall not be liable for:
a) Any damages caused by Users’ violation of the rights of third parties in connection with their use of the Service;
b) Damages resulting from disruptions in the operation of the Service or its unavailability caused by reasons beyond the control of the Seller or events that the Seller could not prevent;
c) Any other damages resulting from the User’s failure to comply with the provisions of this Regulation.

Users can contact the Seller as follows:
a) Phone: +48 690 861 075
b) Email: karolines.sparkle.hepl@gmail.com

The Customer can access this Regulation at any time via a link at the bottom of each page of the website. All materials on the Service’s website are subject to copyright and legal protection. Their use and distribution without the consent of the Service owner is prohibited. This Regulation shall enter into force on the date of launching the store.

In the event of a dispute between the Seller and the Customer, who is a Consumer, the matter can be resolved amicably by:
a) Contacting the permanent consumer arbitration court
b) Mediation
c) Contacting the provincial inspector of the Trade Inspection .

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